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A sport fishing journal entry…circa 1958
Twitch, twitch, pause…I saw the boil…the lure just disappeared from the surface…I actually remember it…then the line began to move off laterally very quickly…he’s calmly pointing and saying, “tighten up and set it like I’ve shown you”…then the jerk…followed by the rush up the spine shock from the silver flash in the water magnified by the sunlight …and with that the reel began to screech. “Hold tight…just hold tight…don’t reel just yet…let her run.” “I told you one would be by that stump…now start reeling…keep your rod up and just hold it there…that’s good, she’s turning now…reel a little more. No, it won’t break. Yes, I know its bent “real good” but that’s ok, keep the rod against your belly! And yes, it’s a goodn.”
The picture is dated 1958…